Way Of The World

“Why me?”, most ask. “Life is not fair”, most say, as if to personify life, as someone we’re playing against, who has stacked the deck in his favor. This sullen way to look at the circumstances around you, might put a damper on things at your end. But for someone who knows that the universe extends to infinity in all directions around you, the previous anthropomorphization of life is nothing but daft. When the sample space is infinite, anything and everything that you can possibly imagine, has happened or is happening or will happen. It’s just simple probability. So when tragedy befalls you, and you question whether the universe is working against you. The simple answer is no. Everything can and will happen. If not to you, to someone else. The better way to handle it would be to consider that it was better that it happened to you, rather than some poor, clueless person, ill-equipped to handle the situation.

Look at yourself, consider how much worse you could have been. You’re not playing against the universe with a stacked deck. Only the universe is playing, but sadly you are one in his deck of cards. And every single card is drawn in every single situation possible, given a long enough timeline. This is just the way of the world. Your probability for anything, is the same as everyone else’s, so quit whining and just get on with it. But even if you don’t, that’s okay, there are other cards in the deck who will.

The universe could be the only house of cards that isn’t fragile. It’ll hold as long as there are cards present, regardless of its face value. The rest is up to you. You can be a part of the structure that’s being built, or you can be nothing.

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