Wake Up!

Wake up! You’ve been asleep in this limbo waiting to hit rock bottom for long enough. You’ve let life go on without paying attention, assuming that there is some kind of an autopilot. You even found out that there was none, but now the destruction of your life has piqued your curiosity in a sadistic manner. You want to see how bad it can get. Well, time to wake up, you’ve hit rock bottom. Yet here you are thinking things could still be worse. Trying to find out if you can float on through with no effort.

People put in all this effort to be able to take pleasure in their lives, yet you have decided to settle for misery and failure. You find it beneath yourself to give a damn, to care enough to do something, to engage in your own life. You find work tedious and monotonous. Nothing excites you, so you have decided to crumble. Wake the hell up! You’ve ignored the ignorant around you, but you don’t know any better. You despise normality so much that you’ve decided to self destruct instead, and you’re trying to find some kind of nobility and honor in that. To be able to proudly say that you rebelled against the system, even though you made it nowhere. There lies no nobility in failure. There is no honor in your sadistic perception of life. So wake up!

Get working from where you left off. From the very second you started to drift out of your life. Don’t expect ease, because you complicated this yourself. Push through, because however demotivated you are, there is no other way. It’s just you, against yourself. So wake up!

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